Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Worship SHIFT

Some of you may have noticed I haven't blogged in a while - some you definitely have not. Well, one of my 2010 professional goals is to take up blogging once again, now that I'm settled in the Republic of Texas.

For the upcoming months, I'm going to do something people have been asking me to do for a while - espouse a little on the topic of shifting worship in a traditional, established church towards a more contemporary or modern style. I'm calling it Worship SHIFT and they'll start coming hot and heavy since I get passionate about this stuff. This blog will feature topics that are more philosophical in nature. If you are looking for more nuts and bolts type advice, feel free to email me [] or join us on the new CRC Network, if you're CRC, of course. Post questions in the Worship forum and I'll be happy to take it from there and we'll have the luxury of hearing more voices. But here, you only get mine. Lucky you.

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